Hari ini pergi beronggeng dengan Adlina Awanis. Kurang arah tuju sikit sebab baru lepas habis posting medical. (huhee!!) Tak ada beli apa-apa pun. Sebab duit tak berapa nak ada. Dua-tiga menjak ni pun, seperti kata Syafiq Muhammad di FB nya, setelah draw duit di ATM, dah tak berani print resit. Tak ada mood nak tengok nilai yang akan tertera pada kertas nipis tu. Semoga Wan Iliana dapat bertahan sehingga habis semester ini, dengan apa jua cara sekali pun. Menjual air tin, barang-barang Amway, Avon, mahupun garage sale (Ada 2-3 helai baju yang dah tak pakai sangat, but still in a very good condition. Kalau ada yang berminat, sila datang jenguk-jenguk di bilik. Brand new clothings pun ada.) hehe..
Esok bermula lah psychiatry posting. So-called minor posting, coz its pass-fail depends on two postings, in this case psychiatry+neuromedical (if you pass either one, you are considered pass for both). Awesome isn't it? So can i goof around in this one? Pfft. Of course not. What a rethorical question. My medical posting itself wasn't that good. The medical MCQ was like, out-to-kill kind of Qs. When i opened the first page of the MCQ paper, i kind of drop dead, mentally. Opening the second page..third page, made me wonder, what was i studying for again? Did i really have all those sleepless nights just to stare blankly at the Qs like this? (At some irregular intervals during the exam i looked up and stared into space. Airheaded). I ended up 'colouring' my answer sheet semi-randomly. So yeah, the point is, i really can't afford to screw up in any more postings. I screwed up that much already.